National Federation of Federal Employees
An affiliation of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO

JCK Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn Room 3720
Chicago, IL 60604

A Press Release of the GSA National Council of Locals
July 14, 2024
For Information:
Charles Paidock, Sec-Tres
NFFE Local 739, AFL-CIO
(312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell

GSA Refuses to Assist a Retired Employee
Falsely Accused of being an FBI Agent Working for the Deep State

A retired federal employee, Charles Paidock, who served thirty-five years as a librarian for GSA in Chicago, IL, has been accused of actually working as an FBI Agent by local "Deep State" conspiracy theorists. While on active duty, and in retirement, he has operated a weekly free speech forum for discussion of social issues and current events, the College of Complexes, with meetings intended to be continuing adult education, open to the public, and simulcast on social media. He volunteers to schedule guest speakers and topics.

Mr. Paidock reported the matter to GSA, which tersely responded that "After review of the information provided this matter does not fall within the purview of the GSA OIG." (Office of Inspector General)

According to the conspiracy theorists, who claim to have a "right to teach" that the "the FBI and the entire US government is suppressing all free speech world-wide, in order to stop whistleblowers from organizing resistance to tyrants, assisted by the covertly Fascist, globalist media monopoly establishment."

The theorists hope to hold public hearings to stop the ongoing way that a rightwing police state has been allowed to operated by our government. They want to organize a Constitutional Convention to add another Amendment which makes it an automatic Impeachable Offense, that requires a government official to resign automatically, without the need for an impeachment hearing, if they lie or in any way cover up any coordinated operation.

Mr. Paidock stated that "I have never presented myself either privately or publicly as anything other than a clerical employee of GSA, that at any time, lower-graded in fact.. I am fully aware of the significant number of laws, rules and regulations that could apply in falsely pretending to be in law enforcement. I am also concerned that someone, who does not like my views, might report me to the FBI for speaking out on various political issues or involvement in elections, which agents, and federal employees in general, cannot do."

Although retired from civil service, Mr. Paidock still serves as an officer of the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE), with many years of affiliation in the union in various capacities. He has contacted the legal department for advice on how to proceed on this matter, and said "I am confident the union will help me."
Response Received from Agency
Thank you for your recent communication with the General Services Administration (GSA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Fraudnet Hotline. 

After review of the information provided this matter does not fall within the purview of the GSA OIG. 

 This issue appears to be related to the Office of Personnel Management and/or your local police department. The information for the OPM OIG is as follows, your complaint can be forwarded to them.  

Office of Personnel Management
Krista A. Boyd, Inspector General
Main Phone Number: (202) 606-1200
Mailing Address: 1900 E Street, N.W.; Room 6400, Washington, D.C. 20415
Hotline Number: Retirement & Special Investigations: (202) 606-2423; Health Care Fraud: (202) 418-3300